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Regia: Monsieur David
Drammaturgia: monsieur david
Attori: Monsieur David Federica Gumina
Trailer: Link
Anno: 2017

Generi: Teatroragazzi (6-99), Teatro-danza, Figura, Performance

Tags: feettheater, monsieurdavid, ladansedupied, teatrodelpiede lamaisondupied lartistacapovolto

We all have walked experiencing places.
We all have grown up doing this unbelievable
travel that made us those ones we have become
today, obviously in so much distraction and in so
much emotion we didn’t put attention to the feet,
our feet, that with great maestry and sense of
sacrifice have supported us since our childhood.
The show “La danse du pied” is an opportunity to
come to a surreal space and dance together with
them, our feet, and if we look at them closely they
tell about the same experience that made us to
realize life and its colors. It was unavoidable to
recognize them a role as protagonist so they can
show the creativity man can be able to realize
if he trusts, throwing himself bravely into the
unknown. It is obvious that it can not miss the
principal ingredient, The Heart!

Altri crediti: si ringrazia il festival Comdiada per il premio speciale ricevuto e il best trick 2019 per la miglior performance
montaggio musicale Sandra Graniti Costumi Noemi Intino Creations ispirazione dal mondo capovolto di Monsieur David contaminato dalle illustrazioni di Magritte

Produzione: feet theater company

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LA COMPAGNIA in queste vesti gia' da 10 porta avanti questa tecnica di teatro fisico dando risalto agli arti ,piedi e mani